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Droppy allows users to send automatically encrypted files (up to 10GB) via an secure download link or e-mail.

When using the iCube Development (Calgary) Ltd. Services, Equipment and / or Websites, you are prohibited from using, enabling, facilitating, or permitting the use of any Services, Equipment and / or Website for:

1. uses or purposes contrary to applicable laws and regulations

2. any illegal or criminal purpose we determine (eg: copyright infringement, trademark infringement, patent infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets and defamation)

3. invading, breaching or undermining the privacy of other Internet users

4. using harassing or abusive language or actions, whether verbal, written or otherwise

5. restricting or inhibiting any other user from using or enjoying the Internet

6. impersonating, reselling or otherwise exploiting Services

7. transmitting content including, without limitation, unsolicited messages that, in our sole judgment, causes interference with, or disruption of, iCube Development's network or the Internet or the use or enjoyment of the Internet by other end-users, whether intentional or unintentional

8. interfering or attempting to interfere with computer networking or telecommunication

9. consuming excessive amounts of bandwidth in a manner that interferes with computer networking or telecommunications systems and/or service to or from any Internet user, host, server or network

10. accessing or attempting to access any Internet host, computer, software or data belonging to any other person without that person’s authorization, or using any tools designed to facilitate such access transmitting, posting, publishing, disseminating, receiving, retrieving, storing or otherwise reproducing, distributing or providing access to any files, programs or information (including, without limitations, guessing programs, cracking tools or network probing tools) designed to assist users in compromising the security of the Service, the iCube Development network or telecommunications services

11. transmitting, posting, publishing, disseminating, receiving, retrieving, storing or otherwise reproducing, distributing or providing access to any files, programs or information that is harmful or disruptive (including, without limitations, viruses, "cancelbots", "trojan horses" and "worms") even if the purpose is to test or analyze a hosts security mechanisms

12. attempting to receive any Services without paying the applicable Fees

13. modifying or disassembling Services or Equipment

14. changing any Identifier issued by iCube Development without our consent or otherwise forging or manipulating Identifiers for a malicious or improper purpose or to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Services

15. using an Internet host's resources in a manner that is not authorized by its administrators. This includes mail relaying, transmitting chain letters, make-money-fast or pyramid style schemes of any sort

16. unless you have purchased Services that are specifically designed and authorized to support such functionalities, operating a server in connection with the Services including but not limited to mail, news, file, gopher, telnet, chat, web, or host configuration servers, multimedia streamers, or multi-user interactive forums.

iCube Development can restrict, block, suspend, disconnect or terminate any Services or the Agreement for cause if the Service Agreement is violated. iCube Development may also take any other measures that are necessary to address a violation of the Service Agreement to the maximum extent permitted by law including, without limitation, temporary or permanent removal of content, cancellation of newsgroup posts and/or filtering of Internet transmissions.

iCube Development may at any time and from time to time amend this Service Agreement by posting notice of the amended Service Agreement on our website(s) or by sending you notice via email to the primary email account associated with your account, and such modification shall be effective as of the earlier of the date of posting of the modified Service Agreement or the date identified in the email, as applicable.
iCube Development (Calgary) Ltd. specializes in quick and affordable data recovery services.

No charge free evaluations by licensed, bonded, and industry certified technicians at our Calgary data recovery lab. Since 2005, data recovery services are performed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. iCube Development owns and operates its own local data lab.

We do not outsource; all work is done in Calgary.

You will need to accept our Terms of service to proceed to our website.
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